Added news page (changelog)
Added i18n architecture (internationalization)
Added EN (English) translation
Added ES (Spanish) translation
Added DE (German) translation
Adding a version number
Added a help section
Added deletion of a point on a new ship
Addition of a denomination of a ship created possible
Modifications to the aneurysm tool with possible choice between aneurysm and dilation.
Changed the Aneurysm Tool with Aneurysm Callout from "Medium" size.
Modification of the behavior in personalized anatomy with automatic return on edition as for modeling.
Modification of the vertically centered anatomy configuration block.
Modification of the pdf generation which is 10 times faster.
Modification of the display of the menus of the tools on the right which is in front.
Modification of the export which is homogenized between the image and the pdf.
Modification with improved performance especially for exams with a lot of data.
Fixed password change in account.
Fixed laterality in ship names.
Correction of the flow direction with an arrow now in the anterograde or retrograde direction.
Fixed name change to 4 times per month.
Fixed display of Thrombosis tool and comment in item list.
Removed the display of a separator between 2 ships for the user.
Removal of unnecessary mentions.